BT Young Scientist of the Year 2006, presented by Mike Maloney, Chief Operations officer BT and Mary Hanafin T.D. Minister for Education & Science to Aisling Judge, from Kinsale Community School, Cork, the youngest ever winner, for her project: The development and evaluation of a biological food spoilage indicator.
Best Group Award presented by Mike Maloney, Chief Operations Officer BT and Mary Hanafin TD, Minister for Education and Science to Keith Florea, Adrian Chisa and Sandeeo Sihag from Synge Street CBS for their project “Estimatation of simulation error in the Kelper Problem using Hodographs”
Runner up Group presented by Mike Maloney, Chief Operations Officer BT and Mary Hanafin T.D. Minister for Education & Science to Vanessa Mc Grath, Tara Mc Grath and Nicola Woodgate,from Presentation Secondary School, Kilkenny, for their project “Inventing machine Fun Triz For Kids”
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