
The following rules are designed to ensure that the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is conducted as fairly and as smoothly as possible.

1. The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is sponsored by BT whose decision on all matters relating to the Exhibition will be final.

2. Secondary Level students aged between 12 – 18 years on 31st October 2005, resident in any part of Ireland are eligible to enter. There are three groups in which to enter:

CategoriesRep. of IrelandNorthern Ireland
Junior1st & 2nd year1st, 2nd & 3rd year
Intermediate3rd & 4th year (junior & transition)4th & 5th form
Senior5th & 6th yearLower & Upper Sixth

N.B. The age group is determined by the year in which the student is studying at the time of the Exhibition.

3. Students attending Primary Schools or Third Level Colleges are NOT eligible to enter.

4. Individual projects may be submitted in any one of the categories listed (see section entitled ‘Categories’). Each exhibitor may submit one project only.

5. Group Projects will be accepted in a separate section under the same broad headings as Individual Projects (See section entitled ‘Categories’). Groups will consist of a maximum of three people in the same year group (Junior, Intermediate, Senior) from the same school.

6. Each group must appoint a group leader who will direct the work and later act as a spokesperson. All group members must be in attendance at the Exhibition.

7. All members of a group should be fully involved, share the work and be familiar with everything that is going on. The final work should reflect the coordinated efforts of all group members.

8. The closing date for receipt of entry forms or on-line entries is Friday 7th October 2005. N.B. Late entries will not be accepted.

9. Submission of an entry will not automatically ensure the acceptance of a project for the Exhibition. A panel of screening judges will select the projects to go forward to the RDS.

10. Some students who have had their project accepted for exhibition may find themselves unable to complete it. It is very important that the organisers are immediately notified of this. Failure to notify BT of a cancellation in good time results in empty stands at the RDS and causes disappointment with the visiting public. Unnecessary costs are incurred and these costs may be reclaimed from the schools involved in the form of a cancellation fee.

11. Exhibitors whose projects involve studies of live animals must ensure that such studies are carried out in conformity with the statutory regulations. Copies of the regulations are available from the Department of Health, Custom House, Dublin 1.

12. Exhibitors will be responsible for transporting their projects to and from the Exhibition hall within the time allocated and to supply all ancillary apparatus and mountings.

13. Exhibitors will be required to assemble their own projects in the Exhibition hall within the time allocated.

14. Projects MUST be safely designed and constructed and must not use dangerous chemicals, micro-organisms or open flames.

15. The nature of a project will determine the equipment used. The merit of a project will lie in the use made of scientific apparatus and in an exhibitor’s understanding of its functions, not in the equipment itself.

16. Exhibitors must be present during the preliminary and final judging of projects.

17. Exhibitors will be expected to remain at their stands during the Exhibition to speak with the visiting public about their projects.

18. The judges reserve the right to withhold awards in the event of projects not reaching a satisfactory standard.

19. Where an exhibitor wrongly classifies a project the judges will have the right to decide its correct classification.

20. BT will NOT be responsible for any expenses incurred by the exhibitors in travelling to or from the Exhibition, or during their stay.

21. BT will NOT accept responsibility for damage to, or loss of, projects or personal belongings. Exhibitors are advised to remove valuable equipment from unattended stands.

22. BT provide exhibition stands of uniform size and design. Projects must be within the limits of the stand dimension. Projects not conforming to this regulation may be disqualified.

23. Project material remains the property of the exhibitors but may be used by BT for exhibition or publication. If contestants have an entry that can be used commercially and for which they seek patents they are recommended to have it registered before the Exhibition. Visit: for more information on this.

24. Projects entered in other exhibitions or competitions will not be accepted unless the project has undergone significant further developments.

25. Projects that represent a continuation of previously entered work in the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition should have a significant amount of new material. Previously presented data must be clearly indicated as such in the Report Books and in the display.

26. A non-refundable entry fee of €20 (stg £13.50) per student is required.

27. BT cannot guarantee the inclusion of any project entered after Friday 7th October 2005.

28. Exhibitors are asked to refrain, where possible, from using brand names of firms/sponsors in their display. Confine reference to brands or firms to your Report Book.

29. Projects involving the use of chemicals should state this clearly on their Project Details Form.

30. Plates containing micro-organisms should not be brought to the RDS.

31. Before a project involving microbiological processes is entered, a biology teacher or some other competent person must be consulted.

32. Each exhibitor should write his/her name on all equipment, charts, copybooks, etc.

33. Prizewinners nominated to represent Ireland and/or BT may not represent any other country or organisation as Young Scientists until the following year’s prizewinners are announced.

34. Prizewinners shall not represent themselves as BT Young Scientists at any time without the prior written consent of BT.

35. The judges’ decision in all matters relating to the award of prizes will be final. BT will not attempt to influence the judges decision.

36. BT will provide Internet access only if specified on the Entry Form by closing date Friday 7th October 2005. All usage costs for the duration of the week of the Exhibition will be charged to the student or school.

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