What to do

Your entry proposal is considered by a panel of screening judges who carefully consider every project and you will be informed that your project has either:

Once you arrive at the RDS and register for the Exhibition you will receive your exhibitor pass:

At registration your stand number will be confirmed. Go to your stand and set your project up in the space provided. Make sure you bring sellotape, stapler, scissors, Blu-tack and whatever else you need to display your project.

You will be given a timetable which will indicate the approximate time the judge will arrive at your stand. Please be patient as your judge may be delayed while judging another project.

Your project will be judged at least three times by three different judges. The judges can only spend approximately 15 minutes at your stand, so be prepared when they arrive. They will ask you to tell them about your project and then move on to more specific questions. Make sure any mobile phones are turned off during the judging times.

If you are a group, make sure that each person from the team does some of the talking; the group leader should introduce all members and explain what sections each team member will be talking about.

If you have any questions or queries, ask a member of the BT team who will be available on the floor during the week at the RDS. They will assist you to the best of their ability.

Judges/BT may have the right to re-assign your project to another category during the assessment at the Exhibition.

 You must register first at the main entrance of the RDS, Dublin where you will receive an Exhibition pass. After registration, security will allow you bring bulky projects in through the Anglesea Road entrance to the RDS. Security will not allow anyone gain entrance without an Exhibition ID pass.

 Your project will be part of the Exhibition until the Exhibition closes on Saturday 14th January 2006 at 5.30pm. Projects may not be removed before this time.

 You must be at your stand during judging times and at all times have one representative of your team/school present when the Exhibition is open to the general public.

 BT cannot take responsibility for any items that may be lost, stolen or misplaced throughout the Exhibition.

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