The World Year of Physics 2005 is a United Nations endorsed, international celebration of physics. Events throughout the year will highlight the vitality of physics and its importance in the coming millennium, and will commemorate the pioneering contributions of Albert Einstein in 1905. Through the efforts of a worldwide collaboration of scientific societies, the World Year of Physics brings the excitement of physics to the public and will inspire a new generation of scientists.
What is WYP 2005?
The World Year of Physics (WYP 2005) is a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday lives. Physics not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology but also has a tremendous impact on our society. WYP aims to raise the worldwide awareness of physics and physical science.
Why 2005?
The year 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s “miraculous year” in which he published three important papers describing ideas that have since influenced all of modern physics. This year provides the opportunity to celebrate Einstein, his great ideas, and his influence on life in the 21st century. You can learn more about Einstein’s life and ideas in our About Einstein section.
Who is organizing WYP?
The WYP 2005 is a worldwide endeavor. The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics declared the year 2005 as the World Year of Physics. With this declaration, people all over the world are joining in the celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday lives!
Ireland’s celebration of the World Year of Physics
Einstein Year 2005 (World Year of Physics 2005)
The year 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s “miraculous year” in which he published three important papers describing ideas that have since influenced all of modern physics. 2005 has been declared International Year of Physics by the General Assembly of the UN. The launch conference “Physics for Tomorrow” took place in Paris on January 13-15, 2005. The year 2005 also marks the bicentenary of the birth of William Rowan Hamilton, one of Ireland’s greatest scientists. The Irish Government has thus designated the year as “Hamilton Year 2005: Celebrating Irish Science“.